AMC 1006

AMC 1006

AMC 1006
AMC 1006


Automatic Mass Comparators Uncompromised Weighing Accuracy Meets High Throughput Mass Determination Processes The AMC automatic mass comparators are designed to combine best weighing performance and high throughput calibration processes. With up to 16 carousel positions the user is able to prepare comprehensive mass determination sequences while being in control of the process at the same time due to the integrated climate sensors. The carousel allows for direct loading of up to four OIML and ASTM shape weights in each position enabling for comparison by substitution or dissemination. Your Benefits: - High throughput due to up to 16 carousel positions - Up to four weights can be loaded in each carousel position for comparison by substitution or dissemination - Climate sensors integrated into main housing measure parameters at the exact location of mass determination - Efficient comparison sequences due to flexible client software
Instrumentation, analysis, measurement, control, vision
Working machine
Frequency: Erery hours

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