Instructions de travail numériques VKS

Instructions de travail numériques VKS

Instructions de travail numériques VKS
Instructions de travail numériques VKS


L’importance du numérique en usine est désormais indéniable. En effet, un nombre croissant d’entreprises utilise un logiciel d’instructions de travail pour améliorer la qualité, et accroître l’efficacité. L’époque où l’on passait des heures à feuilleter des documents imprimés est révolue. Vous pouvez désormais sauvegarder toutes vos données dans un format électronique et les rendre accessibles. Accélérez la création des instructions de travail et standardisez vos méthodes de travail Utilisez des images, vidéos, annotations et autres fonctionnalités pour fournir des instructions claires et précises à vos opérateurs. Créez et partagez des instructions de travail en un clic et traduisez-les automatiquement dans plus de 25 langues. La meilleure solution pour favoriser l’intégration des nouvelles recrues consiste à leur offrir une formation rapide et qualifié. Recueillez et partagez les connaissances tribales et bonnes pratiques de vos employés (...)
Working machine
Frequency: Continiously
ACCELONIX6G77ACCELONIX, an independent company and supplier of equipment and software solutions for the assembly and testing of electronic and microelectronic boards, is recognized by its CUSTOMERS for its know-how, experience and sense of service. Established since 1993, ACCELONIX is constantly improving its knowledge and expertise and expanding its offering in order to cope with the rapid movement of technologies. On a daily basis, ACCELONIX prioritizes its relationships of proximity, responsiveness and service with its CUSTOMERS and strives to build a close and lasting partnership with its SUPPLIERS. Through its European commercial and technical structure, ACCELONIX and its subsidiaries are determined to always better serve their CUSTOMERS and SUPPLIERS. Accelonix is ​​composed of 26 people in France, divided into 6 people for the administrative department, 6 for the commercial services, 14 people for the technical department. If necessary, Accelonix France can rely on Accelonix Group, involving staff from Accelonix UK, North Africa and Benelux (representing around sixty people). Through its TEST, ASSEMBLY & SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, and MICRO-ASSEMBLY DIVISIONS, ACCELONIX provides comprehensive responses in the process stages of manufacturing electronic cards. ACCELONIX customers are manufacturers or subcontractors of products and subassemblies for commercial, military or aerospace applications. On a daily basis, ACCELONIX teams guarantee their customers application support, training in technologies and equipment, diagnostics and maintenance of hardware and software, and the supply of spare parts and consumables. ISO certified We prioritize the quality of our services and customer satisfaction. Continuous improvement processes are applied. QUALIOPI Certification Since 2021, Accelonix has been certified as a training organization

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