BORRELLY SPRING WASHERS4D181Our unique know-how, acquired since 1970, is recognised worldwide in the design, expertise, development, manufacture and industrialisation of spring washers.
We create technical solutions for demanding sectors of activity, with the aim of developing the technologies of tomorrow.
How do you obtain a reserve of mechanical energy in a small space? How can we compensate for and control assembly and operating play? Which elastic element compensates for differential expansion? Which elastic element preloads a ball bearing or allows its adjustment to be controlled?
BORRELLY's spring washers are used in a wide range of sectors and are recognised by some of the world's leading contractors for their high technology in the following sectors: aeronautics (multi-spindle connectors, fuel circulation, etc), automotive, space, defence, motorsports, nuclear, mechanical industry, oil and gas, medical and consumer goods.
The company has been ISO 9001 and EN 9100 certified for over 20 years and Safety Nuclear for over 10 years.
Borrelly's engineers apply all their know-how to studying problems on a case-by-case basis, and offer standard, precision and customised spring washer solutions based on finite element studies of linear or non-linear static behaviour with large displacements.
Discover our 8 product families with our standard and precision ranges on our website. All our product families are available as custom products.