Micro caméra
The 1.3Mpx SWIR Space Camera Head embeds all necessary components to operate its InGaAs SWIR image sensor and high performance FPGA-based architecture in a highly constrained space environment, including all DC-DC converters, processing and storage memories in a reduced volume of 40x40x45mm3. This camera module offers a configurable electrical interface through a 77-pins PGA matrix, including 22 LVDS pairs, a JTAG interface for FPGA configuration, and a 5V power supply interface, and compatible to the 12Mpx Space Camera Head. The 1.3Mpx SWIR Space Camera Head design provides to the users a dedicated optical, mechanical and thermal interface for an optimal and easy integration in space optical instruments as well as a second thermal interface dedicated to the processing architecture, allowing a efficient separation between the sensing part and the processing part of the camera head.