Automatical Technical Documentation Publisher

Automatical Technical Documentation Publisher



The configurator developed by LCSI allows "automated" production of a manual specific to a machine belonging to a machine family, according to its configuration and/or options selected by the end customer. Our solution is based on Microsoft Word and Excel software and allows to : - Create a new machine configuration - Save a configuration for a later edition of the manual - Import and update a previously created machine configuration - Publish the desired manual in PDF format A "Master" document is created in Word containing all the technical information related to all the different configurations, options and technical user documentation to be created (user manual, maintenance manual, installation manual for example). One or more configuration sheets are created in Excel with a main tab (Dashboard). From this tab, the writer can select the configuration of his product/equipment/machine according to its options in order to publish a manual in PDF format. Thanks to this solution, our customers optimize the time spent creating notices by streamlining the technical content in a single "Master" document and gain in quality by producing technically coherent and well-charted documentation and in translation costs.
Avec des informations d'entrée équivalentes, le configurateur LCSI permet de publier une notice complète en moins de 5 minutes contre une à plusieurs journées de travail sans ce dernier. Chez nos clients, le coût de publication PDF d'une notice a ainsi baissé d'au minimum 90%

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