

HELIO HMI makes it faster and easier to create intuitive HMIs that, thanks to modern web technology, are truly responsive and platform and device independent. Developed by certified UX experts, HELIO HMI provides well-thought-out templates that deliver professional interface design out of the box. The result is not only easy to use, HELIO HMI itself can also be learned easily and quickly, significantly reducing development costs. Because HELIO is based on web technology, it is completely independent of the hardware and software used. With HELIO, you can work cross-platform on any device that runs a browser, whether it's Windows, Linux, or Mac. And HMIs developed with HELIO also work securely and stably in your browser. This makes HELIO particularly scalable, as the replacement of hardware - be it screens, computers or machine components - has no influence on its usability and performance. When editing an HMI with HELIO, live PLC data can be displayed at any time in the editor. It's more than WYSIWYG - it's "What you see is what it is".
Les interfaces utilisateur qui se concentrent sur les utilisateurs et la convivialité fonctionnent non seulement mieux, plus rapidement et plus intuitivement, mais elles permettent également d'utiliser tout le potentiel des machines et des équipements. HELIO intègre des composants UX intelligents et s'occupe de la conception UX. Les données PLC en direct, pas de compilation, une grande convivialité et des composants UX prédéfinis réduisent le temps de développement. La conception de l'interface est déjà prête et permet de se concentrer sur ses tâches.

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