Logiform  mobile solution

Logiform mobile solution



Our innovation is a mobile application under Android that takes advantage of the capabilities of the hardware (mobile support) by its features of : - Video recognition of barcodes and QR codes - Its RFID and (NFC) peripherals - Secure connection - Ergonomics adapted to smartphones, PDAs and tablets This solution represents the first collaborative approach of Felix Informatique with a group of customers involved in the construction of a new innovative function. Using smartphone-specific functionalities, the mobile solution assists your weighing software and completes it on several points: - Track your weighings: A first pre-check in a few taps of the weighed materials before they enter the production area. - Streamline the control of your weighing: Unitary control of the weighed materials (1 to 1) in order to design the formula in the tank. - Improve your productivity: Take advantage of the mobility of the smartphone in the control of your weighed materials in the production area. By means of the scan, optimize your costs by controlling all your tanks on extended production areas. With the mobile solution, improve the traceability of your weighing, reduce your control time and optimize your costs.

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