Micat Planner



Industry requires the acceleration and shortening of manufacturing processes, which require high responsiveness from metrological services, often called upon to inspect parts or program machines in a very short time. Everything must be ready when the first parts come out of production. Some companies use service providers to keep up with the pace imposed by production, so the control methods between the subcontractor and the manufacturer may be different. The same parts can be declared compliant in the first company and non-compliant in the second. To this day, very few players on the global metrology market offer to automatically generate measurement programs in a successful way. A solution: Mitutoyo MiCAT PLANNER To overcome this trend Mitutoyo has developed software for the automatic generation of measurement programs allowing considerable time savings for quality control processes. This software called MiCAT PLANNER considerably simplifies the task of programmers and users of Mitutoyo measuring machines. Standardization of control methods MiCAT PLANNER proposing an optimized measurement program for the controlled parts, it allows in the long term to standardize the control methods between the manufacturer and the subcontractor while allowing a gain in efficiency for both parties.
Des programmes de mesures en quelques clics Grâce à MiCAT PLANNER toute génération de programme peut être effectuée facilement, par un opérateur en environ 3 minutes, au lieu de 40 minutes en traditionnel. Simple et rapide d’utilisation, ce logiciel permet aux programmeurs un gain de productivité jusqu’à 95 %. Ce gain de temps permet d’être plus efficace (en contrôlant davantage de pièces) et d’affecter les ressources humaines sur d’autres tâches, ce qui entraîne des économies d’échelle sur le long terme. Tout programme de mesure généré par MiCAT PLANNER est également conçu pour éviter les collisions qui pourraient occasionner des dommages sur les pièces ou sur l’équipement de palpage.

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