Flow sensor for compressed air with energy monitoring FTMg

Flow sensor for compressed air with energy monitoring FTMg



The FTMg is a multifunctional flow sensor that also measures temperature and process pressure. Used in pneumatic systems, it measures the consumption of compressed air and outputs it in kWh, and also monitors the process pressure. It can detect additional consumption points caused by leaks in the pneumatic network, thereby preventing unnecessary energy costs thanks to targeted and fast maintenance. The data provided by the sensor can also be used to create measures for reducing energy consumption in accordance with ISO 50001. In addition, the FTMg provides a scalable solution for compressed air monitoring with three possible expansion stages: First, the stand-alone FTMg including web server,second, one or more FTMg devices with an IIoT gateway, e.g. the TDC-E from SICK for data pre-processing and integration into customer-specific MES, cloud or energy management systems, and third the Monitoring Box as a complete solution for FTMg flow sensors including monitoring app, dashboard with alarm function, integration, and corresponding software and cloud services.
Réduction jusqu'à 30 % des dépenses énergétiques liées à la production d'air comprimé.

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