The remanufacture?

The remanufacture?

Friday, March 10, 2023 9:25 AM to 9:40 AM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)


Remanufacturing is a key concept to extend the useful life of products, it is part of the circular economy loops in the same way as repair, reuse or reconditioning. Why go for remanufacturing? What does it really consist of? What are the keys? Remanufacturing is a rigorous and standardized industrial process that allows a used part or product to be returned to a state of performance and functionality equivalent or even superior to that of the original and for the same use. ADEME will present the results of its study on remanufacturing as well as the keys that emerge to help actors develop their activities around this concept. You will also have the opportunity to discover 5 implementations that are done today on a European scale and their approaches.
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