The European L-CAMP project with Mecanic Vallée

The European L-CAMP project with Mecanic Vallée

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 5:00 PM to 5:15 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)


General objective of the L-CAMP project: - An advanced manufacturing skills strategy providing solutions capable of fostering and supporting the growth, innovation, and competitiveness of the ADVANCED MANUFACTURING sector;- A methodology for a sustainable and continuous assessment of current and future ADVANCED MANUFACTURING skills needs in advanced manufacturing, providing just-in-time mapping and tracking of ADVANCED MANUFACTURING industry technology trends, skills shortages and mismatches, policies, and numbers ; - Designing, reviewing and deploying relevant qualifications in the ADVANCED MANUFACTURING sector, developed with a learning outcomes approach and linked to EU frameworks and tools such as EQF, e-CF, VET and ECTS; - Promoting the attractiveness of the ADVANCED MANUFACTURING sector as a career choice for students in primary education, general education, vocational education and training (VET), national education and training (NEET) and outreach universities in the field of ADVANCED MANUFACTURING ; - To encourage the creation of transnational and national networks and partnerships of VET providers in order to improve the quality and efficiency of VET at national and European level, to enhance their impact and relevance for learners and employers, and to establish cross-border cooperation for the quality and attractiveness of VET; - Encouraging communication, dissemination and support for the implementation of the VET policy agenda at European and national level, exchanging knowledge, feedback and experience on policy implementation and sharing best practice on VET excellence.
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