Village start-up pitches, round #1
The following start-ups will have 3 minutes to convince you!
NEOLITHE - French industrial start-up specialized in the design, manufacture and installation of Fossilizers, units for the treatment of non-recyclable waste (non-inert and non-dangerous) by Accelerated Fossilization.
VULKAM - Vulkam is a future world leader in metallurgy, providing a unique solution for the supply of parts combining new metals with extraordinary properties and dedicated processes. Industrialisation of Vulkalloys, the Vulkam range of metals with its extraordinary properties will set a future standard in metallurgy and metal processing.
ASK FOR THE MOON - Used by leading industrial players like Framatome, Bouygues, Vinci, DEF, Beaudrey... Ask for the moon is the leading platform for operational knowledge management in industry.
EUVEKA - Development of robotic solutions and morphological data software, to help the textile industry to better conceive and produce garments in all sizes.
LIKEWATT - Optiwize is a SaaS platform designed to automate the design and optimal management of decentralized energy systems. Optiwize helps energy service companies, energy referents in service or industrial companies, as well as public entities, to extract and analyze the electricity consumption of buildings. It's a decision-support tool to invest in and develop renewable energy systems. It optimizes costs, reduces environmental impact and improves security of electricity supply.